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Best Programming Blogs

Hey, Peeps!! Here I am back with a few best Blogs for Programmers. 10 Free resources to learn programming BlogsDope - Read, learn and write articles on  technology. Joel on Software : 9 answers with 220 votes combined Coding Horror : 5 answers with 184 votes combined Techie Delight Visitor Panel : Tech & Business Scott Hanselman List of 150+ programming blogs 12 Best Web Development Blogs Sanwebcorner | Programming Blog HackSource– 18,510 programming tutorials for developers Android Tutorials for Beginners and App Developers - AdroitTec
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Why would a CEO get paid 100 times more than the average employee? Are they worth it?

No, but a CEO can easily add 1,000 times to the value of the company with a decision made in 20 seconds than a typical employee might add in a year. Take Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, which has a market cap of US$750bn. If he makes one good decision today that increases the value of Apple by 0.1%, he would have added US$750m of value to Apple. And he might have made that decision while doing a number two(on the loo). The average Apple employee, even if they add around US$500k of value to Apple per year would take 1,500 years to add as much value as Cook could do while doing his number two today.

Tips for beginner programmers.

Hey, folks here are those few tips which could help you! Never  cheat  in code.  Learn to search for the problem properly. ( google properly ) Try “:github” in google search. Always go till the last answer in stack-overflow. (it helped me) Be  patient  and  try all solutions . Never hesitate to ask for the solution to seniors. Be always with top programmers. Look for the  smallest  mistake in code. Don’t go behind cool languages go behind  algorithms and designs . Don’t come under peer pressure. Always learn from  your mistakes . Try to attend hackathons even if you do not have a team. ( networking  helps) Do small projects completed in one weekend (surely it will help you in your programming career) Follow the latest  tech news (tech crunch, in short, etc.) Never wait, I repeat never wait  for something(always be first step taker) Learn new languages ( not programming  ) helps in communicating. (programming languages also good but are dynamic) Lend your  help to star

What is the best example of Self-Confidence in an interview?

A fresher boy was about to attend his first interview. While walking into the interview hall, the boy got tripped by the doormat and fell. The interview panel was shocked. Out of 4 interviewers of the panel, only one got up to help the boy. Now, what would we do if we were the boy? Most of us would get embarrassed and some of us would consider that as a bad omen. But you know what the boy did? . . . . . . He stood up, dusted his pants, picked up his file & said, “Wow.! I have already fallen into a good company.!” Result: Selected instantly . His optimism & self- confidence paved the way.!

The biggest lessons learned in corporate worlds!!!

Seek promotion after sticking to a company for more than 2 years. Don’t mix business with your friends. Don’t trust the manager, most of them exploit and hunt you if necessary. If you are the best in that company, remember there is another company waiting for you along with a better income and a better position. Master the art of communicating with clients, boss and other superiors. Don’t be so available for everyone in the company, hunters are waiting to exploit you. Known your rate per hour and per month. Outsource your job if possible. learn to be the boss of your boss, don’t be his sheep. If you hate him to leave the company. Be hungry, learn, and be the best in your field. Tell your superior they are wrong if they are being excessively good and a nice guy won’t always make you succeed in the corporate world. Dress well, go to the GYM, look nice and attractive Quora-.